Assalamualikum, salam sejahtera dan salam satu Malaysia....
Dah lama sangat saya tunggu agar blog ini dikemas kini. Beberapa orang telah diamanahkan untuk berbuat demikian. Namun apakan daya....nampaknya kita mempunyai kekangan dan halangan masing-masing....
Jadi saya mengambil alih tugas ini semula. Maafkan saya kerana selama ini berlepas tangan. Saya dah tidak berada di SMKTTJ lagi. Saya pun sekarang mengendali laman lain di sekolah baru saya. Tapi saya kesian sangat pada pengunjung setia blog Smkttj ni.....yang selalu ternanti-nanti....
Saya akan cuba kemas kini dgn apa2 bahan yg saya boleh dapati. Untuk kali ini saya paparkan beberapa gambar tentang sekolah yg kita kasihi ini yg saya sedut dari face book....selamat lihat..dan semoga terubat sikit rindu kalian kpd Smkttj...
Wassalam.....sampai jumpa lagi.....
pn masita harun...smksj2
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Dicatat oleh smkttj seremban di 10:19 AM 633 ulasan
Label: KOKO
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Selamat menempuh SPM. Buat dengan tenang dan berhati-hati.
Jangan lupa buat ulang kaji dulu.
Semoga kejayaan milik anda..................Insyaallah.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Hello pengunjung dari MOUNTAIN VIEW
Kerapkali saya dapati saudara melawat blog ini. malahan saudaralah pengunjung dari luar negara yg selalu singgah disini. Terima kasih.
tapi saya harap saudara dapat memperkenalkan diri. mungkinkah saudara bekas pelajar SMKTTJ yg dikasihi ini..........
tapi saya harap saudara dapat memperkenalkan diri. mungkinkah saudara bekas pelajar SMKTTJ yg dikasihi ini..........
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Adapted from interviews with teachers by Neena Samuel
13 More Things Your Child's Teacher Won't Tell You

©2009 Jupiterimages Corporation
2. I have parents who are CEOs of their own companies come in and tell me how to run my classroom. I would never think to go to their office and tell them how to do their jobs.
3. We don’t arrive at school 10 minutes before your child does. And we don’t leave the minute they get back on the bus. Many of us put in extra hours before and after school.
4. We are not the enemy. Parents and teachers really are on the same side.
5. The truth is simple: Your kid will lie to get out of trouble.
6. Encourage your child to keep reading. That’s key to success in the classroom at any age.
7. We can tell the difference between a parent helping their child with homework and doing it for them (especially when they’re clueless in class the next day).
8. Teaching is a calling. There’s not a teacher alive who will say she went into this for the money.
9. Just because your child says he did his homework doesn’t mean it’s true. You must check. Every night.
10. Teaching is not as joyful as it once was for many of us; we get jaded too. Disrespectful students and belligerent parents take a toll on us.
11. Parents give their kids the pricey gadgets and labels, but what kids really crave is for you to talk to them. They want to know you are interested in their lives.
12. We spend money out of our own pockets to buy things our students need, such as school supplies and even shoes.
13. Supportive, involved parents are crucial. But some are “helicopter parents”--they hover too much.
14. Having the summer off is great, but many of us have to take on extra jobs--teaching summer school, tutoring--to make ends meet.
15. Success is not achieved by just making kids memorize flash cards and prepping them for an Ivy League school. Sensible parents know there is a college for every kid, and that responsibility and good citizenship are what really drive success.
16. Nobody says “the dog ate my homework” anymore, but we hear a lot of “I left it on the kitchen table.” And then Mom will send in a note to back up the story.
17. We wish parents would make their kids own up to their actions instead of pressuring us to bend the rules.
18. Please stop doing everything for your child and allow them to make mistakes. How else will they learn? Kids are not motivated to succeed because they feel their parents will bail them out every time.
19. There are days when I just want to quit, but then that one smile from that one kid, changes it all.
Sources: American Federation of Teachers; interviews with elementary and middle school teachers in California, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Minnesota, New York, and Texas.
Catatan: Bacalah artikel diatas untuk memahami lebih mendalam hati dan sanubari kami para guru..................
Dicatat oleh smkttj seremban di 5:08 PM 0 ulasan
Friday, October 16, 2009
Istimewa untuk semua warga Smkttj dan pengunjung-pengunjung blog ini yang
merayakan Hari Depavalli....SELAMAT HAI DEPAVALLI
Dicatat oleh smkttj seremban di 5:56 PM 0 ulasan
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Cara penggunaan topeng mulut dan hidung (surgical mask)
Guideline for the use of surgical mask
However, there are several questions about wearing surgical mask such as:
There are 2 sides of surgical mask and the white color side contains filter. The corrective ways of use are:
- If we have flu, the white side should attach to our face (the color side faces out) to filter the micro-organism not to spread them out to others
- If we are not ill, the white side should face out to protect micro-organism from environment to come to contact with us
Sunday, August 16, 2009
SELAMAT BERPISAH DARI PK1(ku pergi tak mungkin kembali lagi)
Saya PN MASITA HARUN akan bertukar ke SMK Serenban Jaya 2 mulai 14 Ogos 2009. Melalui kesempatan ini saya
merakamkan jutaan terima kasih kepada seluruh warga SMKTTJ SEREMBAN
kerana telah memberi peluang kepada saya menjalani kehidupan penuh kebahagiaan bersama kamu semua selama kira-kira 5 tahun saya bertugas disini.
Ampun dan maaf diatas segala ketelanjuran kata dan keterlaluan cara.
Semoga kita akan dapat bersua lagi dilain ketika............Saya sayang kamu semua

Dicatat oleh smkttj seremban di 2:08 PM 3 ulasan
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Setelah smkttj kehilangan En Abduh dan En fadzli bulan lepas, kini
smkttj akan terpaksa melepaskan pula
PN MASITA(gpk1) dan CIK HJH SITI ASIAH(gpk koko)
yang telah dipindahkan ke sekolah lain
berkuatkuasa serta merta.
CIK SITI ASIAH akan ke SMK Dato' Haji Mohd Redza sebagai GPK HEM
PN MASITA akan ke SMK Seremban Jaya 2 sebagai GPK1
*****selamat berpisah*****
(mereka akan ada di smkttj sampai hari Isnin 10 Ogos)
yang telah dipindahkan ke sekolah lain
berkuatkuasa serta merta.
CIK SITI ASIAH akan ke SMK Dato' Haji Mohd Redza sebagai GPK HEM
PN MASITA akan ke SMK Seremban Jaya 2 sebagai GPK1
*****selamat berpisah*****
(mereka akan ada di smkttj sampai hari Isnin 10 Ogos)
Dicatat oleh smkttj seremban di 9:35 PM 9 ulasan
Pelajar2 tingkatan 5 terutama yg perempuan tentu kenal kasut ini.
Kasut hitam berzip tepi. Ramai yg mempunyai kenangan manis
atau sebaliknya terhadap kasut misteri ini. Bertahun-tahun cikgu pemiliknya memakai kasut kesayangannya ini. Katanya kasut ini selesa dan sesuai dengan tugasnya.
Tapi ramai juga yg heran mengapa kasut ini masih dalam keadaan elok
walau pun sudah dipakai lama..........

Jawapannya.....lihatlah gambar dibawah ini....

Cikgu tu ada beberapa pasang kasut yg serupa.....
kepada pelajar2 yg mempunyai kenangan pahit
terhadap kasut ini.....cikgu ini mohon ampun dan maaf.
Tapi percayalah segalanya berlaku kerana rasa cinta dan sayang
terhadap pelajarnya. percayalah..............
Dicatat oleh smkttj seremban di 5:13 PM 4 ulasan
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